State Magazine, Front Page

1 03 2011

State launched it’s faces of 2011 Digital Magazine, and yours truly landed front page. Nialler9 and Guardian favourite Retarded Cop is a man destined for big things. It’s not hard to see why, he’s creating catchy, interesting tunes at a rate of knots. His lyrics are hilarious and relatable. There’s no bullshit with Gaz, he doesn’t seem to hold much back musically speaking – and that’s before you watch him parade around in his underwear playing a sweeping-brush–guitar.

Alas, I’m not great with these new-fangled word-y things, so have another picture and if you want to see the whole magazine in all it’s technicolour, widescreen glory, just click either of the images and be whisked there by the magics of the internet. What an age we live in…



Can’t get enough of this song either. Enjoy